Sunday, April 8, 2012

How To Successfully Use Online E Mail Marketing - Easy Business ...

Saturday, April 7th, 2012 at 11:03 pm ?

Everyone gets email, so why not use?online e mail marketing for your business. If you do it the right way, you can gain new customers and have lots of repeat customers.

Before you start sending emails out, there are a few things that you need

online e mail marketing How To Successfully Use Online E Mail Marketing

Online Email Marketing

to know. Read the following article to find out how to make your online e mail marketing campaign a success.

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The first thing you need to do before you can do any online e mail marketing is get email addresses to mail to. You can have a place to sign up on your website, i.e. an inline capture form and be sure that you make the sign up area stand out. Above the fold of the page is preferable so that people see your offer when they first come to your site. You will usually want to offer some some sort of incentive for having visitors opt-in. Maybe offer some sort of discount like free shipping or a marketing course or series. Just give them something valuable or no one will opt in!? You want to make it easy for people to opt in, and you should also make it easy to opt-out should your viewers decide to discontinue recieving your emails.

I prefer using Aweber for my email lists as they have a great open and delivery rate and they have an easy to follow system with tutorials for setting up your lists and provide a wide variety of e mail opt in forms you can create. I also can also make it easy for my teammates in Empower Network by providing them with the code to share my campaign and all they need to do is load it up and change 3 global options and they are ready to go!

The frequency of the emails you send can determine if your email recipients continue to stay subscribed to your email list. Do not completely bombard them with emails. Sending out 3 or 4 emails every day is excessive. If you send out emails too much, your readers will tend to get tired of seeing your emails in their inbox. Once a day tends to be the norm. however if you have a live event going on you may be able to get away with 2 or 3 to be able to remind them not to miss your live event. You may also try sending out your emails at different times of day to see what time gets you the best response.

I tend to remind people about once every few days that they have the option to opt out and I generally do that at the top of an email broadcast I may be sending out. Lets face it, some people just opt in to your e mail list out of curiosity and then are simply too lazy to scroll to the bottom of the email to opt out so they hit the spam button at their email provider instead.

I prefer to get rid of these tire kickers by giving them a nice juicy unsubscribe link at the top of their emails once every few days. I don?t want to waste their time and I certainly don?t wantonlineemailmarketingun How To Successfully Use Online E Mail Marketing to waste mine. I get new opt ins every day because of the way I use my Empower Network system so I don?t mind losing people here and there. Buh Bye. LOL. Really! Leads are not that hard to start generating if you know how and I can teach you if you are on my Empower Network Team

Email is much different than printed newsletters or newspaper advertisements. While crafting your emails to send out, you can customize them just about any way you like. You can and definitely should incorporate images and videos of your products. You also want to be sure to include clickable links in your emails and make the images clickable and have them point to your signup page or wherever you want to guide them to. This is something not possible with print advertising.

The content of your emails is very important. You want to be providing your readers with? valuable information. to this end, you may want to do a search for a good copywriting course to learn how to craft a good sales letter that will keep peoples attention!? In your online e mail marketing you want to announce your current or new products or services and tell all about it.

Another good thing to add is customer or team feedback if you are promoting a home business or Network marketing opportunity. People love to read reviews, and a good review can help your sales conversions. Include coupons or special discounts and incentives when possible in your emails. Make these discounts exclusive to email subscribers.

One thing that will keep your business growing is repeat business. You can use your email list to keep in touch with current customers. You can send them personalized emails, recomomending products or services they may be interested in based on products they have already purchased. If they already like your products, offering some sort of discount will further encourage them to come back and give you more business.

Running a successful online e mail marketing campaign requires a bit of effort and care but when done correctly can double or triple your success in whatever venture you are involved in.

I sincerely look forward to helping as many people as possible get to where they want to be, this year, through Empower Network.

california How To Successfully Use Online E Mail Marketing

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Tagged with: aweber ? e mail opt in ? email marketing information ? empower network ? how to market via email ? leads ? online e mail marketing

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